Total project management

Bid like the largest vendors without the crushing costs. We’re here to help remove the pain, hassle and disruption that bidding can cause to business as usual.

We have a first-class team of bid professionals at the ready to help manage your project cradle to grave. This include:


  • End-to-end bid delivery designed around your needs and the opportunity to maximise your win probability. Our team works with you to design and operationalise a bid team and deliver best practice processes and management across all phases of the bid, ensuring that your bid is of the highest quality and stands out from the competition.


  • Ensuring efficient use and maximum value is obtained from scarce resources we are experts in designing process and applying practices to generate minimal disruption and maximum value from senior management and subject matter resource.


  • Minimise administration and risk through a single contracting entity making it easy for you to bid worldwide. You can trust us to take care of all the details, so you can focus on winning more business and growing your company within minimal disruption to BAU.
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