How we can help

The better you are at using words, the better you are at getting what you want.

HHM are a specialist work winning consultancy.


We provide our clients with the people, tools and expertise to maximise their bidding potential. Whether that’s managing a project cradle-to-grave or parachuted in at the eleventh hour, we are here to help unlock your ability to win.

Central to our approach is:


Taking the paining away from bidding


Developing a strategic approach to work winning


Articulating solutions that are clear, concise and compelling

‘Turning technical ideas into strong, compelling stories’

We have over 50+ combined years of bidding experience, winning over £200bn+ in contracts for our clients.


Let us maximise your bidding potential.

Core services

Bespoke bid support


Struggling to get your bid off the ground or keep it on track? We can help relieve pressure points with highly skilled and experienced consultants that complement and add value to your existing bid team. HHM can provide:


  • People, processes, gateways, and governance to help you at every stage of the bidding process. Our team of experts will work with you to identify if an opportunity is a strategic fit throughout the tender, ensuring that you are always on the right track.
  • Internal and external review processes including design and management, competitor ghosting, and lessons learned for your next bid.
  • Additional capacity at short notice including subject matter experts, writers, PMO, and graphic designers, to help you get the job done right.
  • Innovative and impactful bid production resources such as style guides, templates, and bid excellence workshops, through to custom-designed ring binders with iPads built-in. We can help you create winning bids that stand out.


If you’re serious about winning more business, contact HhM today and let us help you take your bidding game to the next level.

Cradle to grave project management


Bid like the largest vendors without the crushing costs.


We’re here to help remove the pain, hassle and disruption to that bidding can cause to business as usual. We have a first class team of bid professionals at the ready to help manage your project cradle to grave. This includes:


  • End-to-end bid delivery designed around your needs and the opportunity to maximize your win probability. We work with you to design and and operationalise a bid team and deliver best practice processes and management across all phases of the bid.
  • Ensure efficient use and maximum value is obtained for scarce resources we are experts in designing process and applying practices to generate minimal disruption and maximum value from senior management and subject matter resource
  • Minimising disruption to BAU we will optimise your subject matter experts time and spend by letting us take care of the rest. Minimising administration and risk through a single contracting entity means you can bid easily worldwide.

Work Winning Strategy


We provide expert guidance on how to optimise your win probability and fine tune your resources – both financial and human.


Using our deep pool of experience and independence, we bring insight and clarity on your win proposition, strategy, planning, and overarching solution.


  • Defining and identifying optimal bidding opportunities
  • Advice on the bid process and programme
  • Developing win themes, client hot buttons, and golden threads
  • Value propositions
  • Quality review – black hat, review
  • Shadow bidding
  • Working with TDL Graphics to make your bids look and feel outstanding

Sales lifecycle


Delivering actionable market intelligence. Integrating procurement bidding into your business development. Developing and articulating your value proposition. Defining and identifying optimal bidding opportunities.


  • Stakeholder engagement & outreach
  • Independent, expert assessments of your competitors
  • Prepare for bids by designing and implementing skeleton bid teams
  • Developing bid collateral and lessons learned
  • Coaching and training